CJSC "Magnolia": Staff Reviews

 In addition to supermarkets, to which we have become so accustomed, are gaining in popularity and other format stores - "Market at home." The so-called He is something of a cross between a large trade network and the conventional store. Prices in these places are generally higher than in large retail networks, and the level of service better than the traditional "Soviet food."

Today we will talk about just such a network, "Market at home." its called "Magnolia". Comments on these store employees will help us learn how to work here so hard to get, and how to finally feel simple staff.


Let's start with the fact that the "Magnolia" - about 150 stores across the Moscow and Moscow region, located in residential areas and near large residential buildings in order to provide services in the area. Stores supermarkets are typically mini-format: they offer a sufficiently wide range of products, but in view of the saving of space on the layout, a few truncated range. And of course, the nature of stores focused on providing food and essential commodities.

Advantages, as indicated by the "Magnolia" stores reviews, the network has a lot. This and the fact that you can buy ready-made fresh dishes in the event that there are no forces joined together to prepare something by yourself; and the fact that shops are open around the clock, which means you can buy the necessary products even in the middle of the night.


In this article we are interested in working in the company "Magnolia." Reviews from employees - this is what will help us clear up the matter. Recall that the "Magnolia" - a network of convenience supermarkets. Consequently, the work is the same as in the whole supermarkets, - staff involved in the organization of the company; people employed in the hall; cooks and those who work in the kitchen; and to protect and cashiers. As a temporary job and extra income work can be considered as in the sales area - here the students are held more often. As for other jobs, then they include change is less active - and prove it left over a network of stores "Magnolia" feedback from staff.

However, more comprehensive information about the available job openings can be found in job postings or on the official website of the network. Information is also provided on the requirements for a person wishing to get a job.

Official information says about the benefits that a job in the "Magnolia." Feedback from staff, give us later, but we can indicate what the pre-employment at this company offers the organizers. It's like: the provision of uniforms, free meals staff, the ability to choose the store, located as close as possible to the location of your home. Also, those who lie in "Magnolia", bonus cards offer discounts on purchases, the ability to grow their careers, for non-residents - settle in the free residence. And of course, those who want to get the office, offer social protection, a stable income and a guarantee, and are interested in working in other jobs (in the hall, the cashier, the promoters on the street) - the ability to make money without tax schedules and shifts, the prospect of ' an increased income. Let's try to analyze some of these statements to understand how this is true, and whether the same with them about the company's employee reviews "Magnolia."


So, in terms of the place of work, then it is the company danger remarkable. Since it has a fairly extensive network of supermarkets, anyone who wants to settle here can find a retail store near his home. As a result, the employee becomes simpler demand the way home and at work, as well as reduced transportation costs; I have more free time. This is definitely a plus, which every store boasts "Magnolia." Reviews staff show the same thing - the possibility of posting where you work - this is very important.


To get a job "Magnolia," as everywhere else, it is necessary to pass an interview. It may take about an hour of your time - you just need to visit one of the work centers with people and wait until you are called. Furthermore, the company's managers will ask you questions about where used to work, or you get any experience of how you would behave in any given situation, if a job at one of the chain stores "Magnolia." Feedback from staff, in general, nothing supernatural says in the interview, the only thing - some complain about the negligence of those who spent the whole process, or even blatant indifference to what came to get a job. Such reviews can be found quite a few. Maybe yourself so is only ' some consultants in the department who are responsible for staff, but for this reason the view spoils the whole company. Anyway, if you tap this attitude around yourself, do not worry, leave it on someone else's conscience. The main thing - to prove themselves worthy and show the best side.


Salaries low can not be mentioned - to pay the cashier around 25,000 rubles a month, in addition, there is a chance to get another 5000 grant, if you show an example of the standard works. Some jobs you can achieve more, but also the level of responsibility, respectively, above. As reported pro shop "Magnolia" feedback from staff who worked at the counter, the main thing in this case - to guard. If you suddenly come to light the shortage of funds, the cashier will be responsible for her own. To avoid this, you should always keep an eye on the buyer when leaving the workplace.

The same is necessary when in any other positions - in "Magnolia" team is responsible for everything that happens with the real estate company. But the attention staff are paid not only salary but also bonuses.


About the guys in the store, reviews, mostly positive. It just so happened - people can easily find a common language with those who are with him "in the same boat." If you want to get a job in the sales area, here will meet with keeping you, young, active people looking for part time job. Plus learn the same position on the career - and you have new companions, ready to help in any given situation.

To the authorities here, as everywhere, is bad. Many of the comments of those who worked in the "Magnolia" and still his career, according to the injustices on the part of department heads, their inhuman treatment of subordinates and, in general, the intolerance of their characters.


Working in "Magnolia" stores (Moscow) reviews staff called difficult because of busy schedule and many responsibilities that lie on any of them. Here is an example similar to the one already mentioned: a person entering the meeting at the cash register should follow the product because it is responsible for the loss. Therefore, the cashier, in addition to the piercing checks must also require protection for visitors to look, and he - to pay attention to the visitors from the trade floor, so they have nothing to learn.

If you take any other point of view (eg, the person producing the layout of the goods), then the situation will be similar. He must distribute a certain number of units in different sections, with the parallel need not to forget about the other functions. At the same time, it's all very difficult to do, but it's necessary to maintain this pace throughout virtually the entire workday. Plus, awkward shape, which offers a "Magnolia" (staff feedback stipulates that it is degrading).

But here is fed. The employee can buy any product in the amount of 65 rubles to eat independently. Again, online reviews of the company say that it is enough for a light snack, and eating the money is impossible.


An important factor in any company is a kind of "care" about the employee, the human attitude. From the words of the company management, the worker for them is the most important value, because only with the help of the store can achieve any success. But in practice, the situation is often different.

We can not say that at all stores to the employee is bad and does not put it in something, no. There are reviews that help the heads of some departments or even store managers in certain situations, when it was in their power. The human attitude of some leaders to some extent is here.

But there are also negative reviews. For example, if in stores is rude to communicate with subordinates, and even without any cause. There are reviews that have refused to pay wages when an employee goes on to resign. Store Guide found a formal reason to fire an employee without pay.

In general, as elsewhere, there is no uniqueness. Sometimes the network "Magnolia" has a place of injustice and misunderstanding between some employees, and sometimes vice versa - positive examples of cooperation, based on kindness, respect and understanding.


So we learned some information about the work of the network of markets "Magnolia" is based on the feedback and is submitted on the official website of the company. Now is the time to structure them.

First of all, the biggest advantage - it is possible to earn. If you need money and have a desire to work - equipping you here will provide an opportunity to learn, to try and grow. It is - definitely. Second - it is convenient geographical location. Due to a large network of "Magnolia" stores can be found almost everywhere. On the road there are no problems.

Various bonuses such as prizes or free lunches up to 65 rubles - it's definitely nice, but not essential.


Negative aspects of working in "Magnolia" Also are: a high degree of responsibility on some vacancies; not completely comfortable uniforms; possible confusion with the staff and superiors department.

No matter how many negative reviews there are, in stores and a large number of people on this day. This means that anyone interested in it will find a way to adapt to the conditions that arise. Therefore, if you want to work - safely try their hand at "Magnolia"! Strength!

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