Tractor Plows The Land: The Pros And Cons Of Mechanized Tillage

 Modern gardener or cottagers without plow the land simply can not do. The soil should be well cared for, and for what she thanks to the generous harvest.


The use of modern mechanical means allows tillage to be carried out faster and easier. 
In place of the forks and kicks came productive modern equipment.

Tractor plowing is done much faster, and in mid-spring work, as a rule, counts every day, as the soil dries quickly after the snow. During this period, it is very important not to lose time processing. Early treatment of tractor soil can lead to rather negative consequences - soil after drying will be hard and rocky. Delays in processing times will lead to blowing and evaporation of moisture, which has a negative effect on the germination of crops, because there will be a lack of moisture.


Plow tractor - a loosening of the top soil layer in order to improve its fertility. Autumn plowing before winter to work the oxygen saturation of the soil, providing freezing weeds and underground fracture rodent moves. Previously, it was the farmers plow, as the land treats, when it is the first frost, that is, as it is called so to Zyablov. On sight with the earth clods, larvae of various pests killed by cold and tunnels rodents were destroyed. In addition, the loose soil absorbs moisture better, and this in the next season has a positive impact on fertility. And to ensure that the result was even better during plowing is recommended to fertilize.

Summer or spring made plow tractor cutter for loosening the soil before planting. The depth of plowing works usually depends on crops planted on the ground. Root vegetables require a deeper plow and grain is not needed for plants.

Proper plowing tractor will not only loosen the soil but also prevent erosion processes, brine.


The advantage of processing tractor includes:

  • the ability to process large parts of the country in a short time;
  • high degree of oxygen saturation of the soil;
  • deep processing, which makes it possible to turn the soil layer;
  • a significant increase in performance of works;
  • reducing the complexity of plowing and human effort;
  • the appearance of the possibility of combination to perform various operations, such as plowing with the introduction into it of fertilizer.


Despite many obvious benefits of using technology, it is advisable to use a tractor is not in all areas, because after mechanized plowing is necessary a heartbreaking feed. Furthermore, the technique of areas infested with weeds, leads to more clogging because moldboard plowing method and is carried out by spreading weed seeds. This is why, before using the tractor on the site, it is necessary to consider all of the above factors.


Cost plowing soil depends on the geometry and surface of the site and the type of technology used, whether rear tractor or a tractor. By the way, the choice of technology for the implementation of arable work requires expertise - use of too heavy agricultural technicians just so to speak too easily, the soil will score can not keep up with the task.

Tractor with plow is equipped with a large power, so it can be used on large plots of land. Especially advantageous plow tractor (price per hundred square meters on average 1500 rubles.) As a part virgin, which is the soil, which has not been dug for many years.


Basic soil treatment includes different types of plow (with the plow blade, moldboard plow, with plane), cultivating, heartbreaking.

Plow tractor can loosen with simultaneous laying of plant and fertilizer residues (manure, peat, compost). To do this, use different plows, different blade shape. This is the shape of the plow is largely dependent on loosening, wrapping the arable layer of soil, crumbling.

In the application of the moldboard plow plow is done to a depth of 30 cm without wrapping layer. So deep plowing experts recommend every 3 or 4 years, especially in the most arid regions. This will help prevent moisture loss.

To the soil with organic fertilizer in the intervals it is treated by enriching with disc iron pins, which eliminates soil from weeds, loosens the top layer of soil, increases yields.

In the cultural plow plowing performed with coulters, there are benefits. This gives the ability to produce separate treatment of the upper and lower layer of the soil, which leads to the destruction of almost all weeds, because all the remains of plants, seeds and roots are included deep plowing.

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