If you looked closely at the table and saw a gun, do not be surprised. so called not only clumsy and heavy rifles, which we remember from the movies about the Musketeers, but also a full artillery rifle with a long with barrel small caliber. After all, thinking a "bullet", weighing 400 grams is very problematic!

Also, do not be surprised kamnemetu offers in the list. The fact is that, for example, the Turks in the times of Peter the Revenge used tubular artillery, shooting pits, carved in stone. They are much less likely to break through enemy ships throughout, but often cause serious damage to the latter with the first burst.

Finally, all the data displayed in our table - approximately. Many different types of artillery rifles will be forgotten forever, and ancient historians are often not very familiar with the characteristics and names of the rifles used in large quantities during the siege of towns and fortresses.


As we have said, cannon artillery for many centuries was a weapon that, if it were, frozen forever in its development. But things are changing fast. As in many cases, the innovations in military affairs, the idea belongs to the officers of the navy.

The main problem of conventional artillery on ships was severe space constraints, the complexity of carrying out any maneuvers. Seeing it all, Mr Melville and Mr Gascoigne, who were in charge of the production that was on him, managed to create an amazing gun that historians know today under the name "karonada". It does not have pins on her skirt (for mast bindings). But it was a small eye, which could quickly and easily place a steel bar. He clung to compact machine artillery.

The rifle appears light and short, easy to handle. Est effective shooting distance from it was about 50 meters. In addition, due to some of its design elements the opportunity to projectile fire leads with Molotov cocktails. "Karonada" became so popular that the Gascoigne soon moved to Russia, where talented artists of foreign origin always waited, receiving the rank of general and the position of one of Catherine's advisers. It was in those years, Russian artillery rifles were developed and manufactured on a hitherto unknown scale.


As we noted at the beginning of this article, in the modern world artillery has some "make room" under the influence of missiles. But that does not mean that conventional and rocket systems are leaving no room on the battlefield. Far from it! The invention of precision-guided missiles on GPS / GLONASS can confidently claim that the "natives" from the distant 12-13 century will continue to keep the enemy at a distance.


Unlike traditional barrel rocket salvo systems installation practically does not give a tangible output. In this they differ from any self-propelled or towed rifles, which in the process of establishing in the firing position requires maximum securely fastened and digging around on the ground, otherwise it may even tip over. Of course, what about a rapid change of position is out of the question in principle, even if the self-propelled artillery rifle.

Reactive systems are fast and mobile, can change its fighting position for minutes. In principle, these machines can even drive to fire, but the accuracy of the shot is severely affected. The disadvantage of such systems - in their low accuracy. The same "hurricane" could literally plow a few square miles, destroying almost all living things, but it would take an entire battery of installations with many not cheap shells. These artillery pieces, photos of which you will find in the article, especially loved by local developers ("Katyusha").

A sharpshooter burst with "smart" projectile capable of destroying any modern tank with one attempt, while the battery may require rocket launchers and more than one salvo. In addition, the "Tornado", "Hurricane", "Grad" and "Tornado" in the beginning of time will not be able to detect unless a blind soldier, such as a cloud of smoke formed at the location striking. But at such facilities in one projectile can up to contain several hundred kilograms of explosives.

Cannon artillery, due to its accuracy, can be used to bomb the enemy at the time of its location close to their same positions. In addition, self-propelled artillery rifle with barrel actually carry anti-battery fire, making it for many hours. In salvo fire systems tend to break down quickly into strains that do not contribute to their long-term use.

By the way, in the first Chechen campaign used "Grad", which ruled after the war in Afghanistan. Carrying trunks have such that the shells sometimes fly in unpredictable directions. This often leads to a "covering" their own soldiers.


The leaders will inevitably come artillery Russia "Tornado". They fire 122 mm projectile caliber at a distance of 100 kilometers. In one salvo can be issued up to 40 charges, covering the area of ​​†‹вЂ‹ 84 thousand square meters. Cruising is no more and no less - 650 kilometers. Together with a high reliability chassis and movement speed of 60 km / h, it makes it possible to transfer the battery "Tornado" to the right place and in a minimal time.

The second is the effectiveness of the domestic MLRS 9K51 "Grad", the infamous after the events in the south-east of Ukraine. Caliber - 122 mm, 40 stem. Fires at a distance of up to 21 kilometers, in a single pass can "handle" around the area of ​​†‹вЂ‹ 40 square kilometers. Sailing at a maximum speed of 85 km / h is as much as 1500 kilometers!

Third place goes to HIMARS cannon from the American manufacturer. Ammunition has an impressive caliber of 227 mm, but only six leading pairs spoil the impression of the installation. Shooting range - up to 85 kilometers at a time can cover an area of ​​67 square kilometers. Speed ​​of movement - up to 85 km / h and a range of 600 km. Well established in the country campaign in Afghanistan.

In fourth place is the Chinese plant WS-1B. Chinese does not become detail: the caliber of the firearm deterrent is 320 mm. In appearance, this MRL looks like the S-300 manufactured in Russia and has only four barrels. Operating range is about 100 kilometers, striking area - up to 45 square kilometers. With a maximum speed of this modern artillery has a range of about 600 kilometers.

In last place is the Indian MLRS Pinaka. The design - 12 guides 122mm shells. Shooting range - up to 40 km. With a maximum speed of 80 km / h car can travel up to 850 kilometers. Affected area - as much as 130 square kilometers. The system was developed with the direct participation of Russian specialists, proving itself excellently in numerous Indian-Pakistani conflict.


This weapon is far removed from their ancient predecessors, who ruled in the medieval fields. Caliber rifles used in the current conditions range from 100 (anti cannon "Rapier") to 155 mm (TR, NATO).

Variety of shells used as extremely wide: from standard high-explosive shots to programmable projectiles that can hit a target at a distance of 45 kilometers with an accuracy of ten centimeters. Yet the cost of one of the shots can be up to 55 thousand dollars! In this regard, Soviet artillery is much cheaper.

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