The Types And Extent Of A Fire Overview Of Artillery Shells From The Old To The Modern

 Do you know what kind of troops with respect with the name "god of war"? Of course, artillery! Despite the development of missiles over the past fifty years, the role of modern high-precision barrel systems is still very high.


"Father" is considered the German rifle Schwartz, but many historians agree that its merits in this matter are rather dubious. Thus, the first mention of the use of conventional artillery on the battlefield belongs to 1,354, but in the archives there are many papers mentioning 1324.

There is no reason to believe that some artillery rifle does not exist before use. By the way, most mentions of such weapons can be found in old English manuscripts, and not at all in German primary sources. Thus, a particularly notable in this regard is very well-known treatise "On Duties of Kings", written in honor of Edward III.

The author was a teacher of the king, and the book was written in 1326 (the time of Edward the Murder). There is no detailed explanation of prints in the text, and should therefore only rely on a subtext. So, on one of the illustrations depicted, without any doubt, it is a real gun, which looks like a large vase. Show how from the mouth of the "jug" takes off large tree, wrapped in a cloud of smoke, and the distance stands a knight, just podzhegshy powder using a hot rod.


As for China, which probably invented gunpowder (a medieval alchemist discovered it about three times, no less), there is every reason to assume that the first artillery could have been experienced at all even before the Christian era. Simply put, artillery, like all firearms, is certainly much older than accepted.

In the era of Charles the Bold , these instruments were used in large quantities during the siege of fortresses, the walls of which were already such effective compensation for the besieged.


So why did old people not win with the help of "God of War" all over the world? It's simple - the beginning of the 14th century canon. and 18 in. They differ little from each other. They were clumsy, too heavy, offering a very poor accuracy. No wonder the first tools used to break down the walls (hard to miss!), As well as for shooting large concentrations of the enemy. In a time when enemy forces came after each other with colorful columns, it also did not require high precision rifles.

Do not forget about the disgusting ash powder, as well as its unpredictable properties: while Swedish Russian Gunners war sometimes increased at least a little damage three times around the rate of attachment to the nuclear-covered enemy fortress. Of course, on the guns reliability of this fact is reflected honestly bad. There were many occasions when calculating the artillery in blast guns in general had no other choice.


Finally, metallurgy. As is the case with locomotives, only the invention of rolling mills and in-depth research in the field of metallurgy have given the necessary knowledge to produce truly reliable strains. The creation of artillery shells for a long time provided the troops "monarchical" privileges on the battlefield.

Do not forget caliber artillery In those years, they were calculated as based on the diameter of the core used, and with respect to the parameters of the tribe. He had incredible confusion, and because the military simply could not adopt something really united. All this greatly hinders the development of the industry.


Now consider the main types of artillery pieces, which in many cases greatly helped to change history, breaking the tide of war in favor of a single state. Through the year 1620 it was decided to distinguish the following types of instruments:

  • Caliber rifle 7-12 inches.
  • Perrière.
  • Falcon en volgelinge ( "Falcon").
  • Hand tools of the lock loader.
  • Robinety.
  • Mortars and bombers.

This list only shows "true" guns in more or less the modern sense. But at that time the army was relatively very old cast iron rifles. Its most typical representatives are kulevriny and polukulevriny. By that time, it became clear that the giant cannon, which was largely common in earlier times, was worthless: the accuracy of their disgusting, encountering the risk of explosion is very large, and the time required to ' a lot to recharge.

again referring to the times of Peter the historians of those years remarked that for every battery "buffaloes" (species kulevriny) require hundreds of liters of vinegar. Its diluted in water as used for cooling overheated from the fire barrel.

Rarely do you encounter an old artillery rifle with a caliber larger than 12 inches. Most often use kulevriny whose core weighed over 16 pounds (about 7.3 kg). Under field conditions, conditions were fairly common falsconet whose core weighed only 2.5 lbs (approximately kilograms). And now let's look at types of artillery pieces that were common in the past.

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